Original concept (including copy) developed as one of two direct mail pieces for the Seminole Hard Rock Resort & Casino in Tampa, Florida. Artwork was also adapted for billboard and onsite advertising.

Original concept (including copy) developed as the second of two direct mail pieces for the Seminole Hard Rock Resort & Casino in Tampa, Florida. Artwork was also adapted for billboard and onsite advertising.

Developed as an on-sight promo, direct mail and full-page ad for Odawa Nights: The introductory campaign for the rebranded casino-resort.

Fresh Harvest wanted a high-end look for their new buffet-style restaurant located within the Seminole Coconut Creek Resort Casino. This was another direct mail concept featuring stock images from Getty Images. The images were later replaced with actual items from the dining menu for the mailer.

Developed as an on-sight promo, direct mail and full-page ad for Odawa Nights: The introductory campaign for the newly expanded and rebranded casino-resort.

Fresh Harvest wanted a high-end look for their new buffet-style restaurant located within the Seminole Coconut Creek Resort Casino. This was the first of two direct mail concepts featuring stock imagery from Getty Images. The image was later replaced with actual items from the dining menu for the mailer.

Logo and tagline for Ozone, a lounge located inside the Odawa Casino Resort. Rollout of the identity included direct mail, onsite displays and print ads.

Logo, tagline and for Ozone. Rollout of the identity included direct mail, onsite displays and print ads.

Conceptual design for a full page ad / direct mail campaign announcing the addition of the new Ozone Nightclub at Odawa. The ad was to appear in several tourist-oriented magazines available throughout Michigan, specifically airports and hotels.

This is a backlit onsite display was accompanied by a direct mail campaign for the Sage restaurant, a high-end eatery located inside the Odawa Resort Casino. It features original logo design and tagline.